Groups Logo Design

Teams and Collectives

From sports teams and school clubs, to evening classes, groups can add irreplaceable value to peoples lives. Many offer a social hub, an escapism, a sense of community and often help to develop transferable confidence, and skills.

Ever heard of Henry Tajfel’s social identity theory? It theorises that groups will display loyalty above what they usually would to a member they perceive to be part of their group and this loyalty and cooperation is most easily conjured when a tangible token of that group, however arbitrary, is present. This effect is so powerful that it’s a reason police officers wear uniforms, why countries have flags and why football fans, often with seemingly only one thing in common, can all bind together on match day.

A compelling team logo will accomplish this same effect.

Designed right, a well considered logo can go a long way to making your group more popular and identifiable and can encourage cooperation and harmony between team members.

Browse through our range of logo designs to aid you as you deliberate how best to create a logo that captures the personality of your group and markets what you’re all about.

FontsChoose a font which reflects the purpose and personality of your group. Straighter, edgier lines or traditional fonts can suggest more prestige or sophistication. Rounded or bubbly fonts can appeal to more youthful organisations or fun hobbies and teams

ColoursBlack, white and darker colours can aid more serious or professional look. While brighter or more subdued shades can appear more open to all, approachable and friendly

StyleBusier logos such as those featuring more intricately detailed badges, seals and crests offer a more traditional, often striking appearance. Modern, contemporary and minimalistic styles can create a clean, effective image

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